I'm fairly sure I never touched threesomes in the journal. Since I wasn't sure, I just re-read the last couple of years' entries. (I really owe you all the conclusion of the Craig situation, if nothing else. Spoiler alert: we're still friends, but nothing more.)
But I didn't feel I had the experience or imagination to write about threesomes, so I didn't. I still don't have the experience to explore BDSM. If you remember them from the journal, what that says to me is you've added some fantasy of your own, and I don't have any argument with that.
Years ago on the forum (or maybe email) someone mentioned that my writing about oral and anal sex was more nuanced than other writings they'd seen. I didn't correct them, but I have never ever included anal in a story. (Again, not a prude, but it would be really hard to make work with my writing.) If they liked the stories that included anal, I'm fine with it. It just means that they expanded on some implications in their own mind, and that's a good thing.
These days I might be able to be a little more direct than I was with multiple-partner stories, but these days I don't maintain the journal.
I've been wondering in the past few days if there might not be a way to revive the journal on an entirely different basis. It would be completely fictional, with a fictional female protag who would be very loosely based on me, and antics which may or may not be very loosely based on past events. (Most not, but I wouldn't admit which was which.)
I'm not sure, though, for two reasons. One, it would be a huge time commitment. There wouldn't be the interdependency of real life and fiction that made maintaining the old journal such a difficult process, but it would still require constant ideas and writing.
And two, I honestly don't know if it would capture anyone's imagination. I always said that the journal wasn't true, but I always implied that it was a very close parallel to the truth. The replacement wouldn't have even that much connection with reality. It would just be an ongoing fiction. I don't know how "emotionally invested" (to steal Tiffany's expression) anyone would be in that.